“GOOOOOOOOOOOOODMORNING VIETNAM!” sådan lød i 1987 i filmen ved samme navn, når Robin Williams skulle vække de amerikanske tropper under Vietnam krigen. Inspireret af denne film, men også spillet Battlefield Vietnam og dokumentaren “The Vietnam War”, kommer der nu en internetradio med lidt over en times musik fra Vietnam krigs æraen. Enjoy!
Papa Hemingway
En France, seuls les médicaments délivrés sans ordonnance sont autorisés à la vente en ligne. Cela correspond à 4000 produits dont l’Agence du médicament (ANSM) estime qu’ils peuvent être utilisés sans intervention d’un médecin pour le diagnostic, l’initiation ou la surveillance d’un traitement. Les sites Internet vendant des médicaments doivent obligatoirement s’appuyer sur une pharmacie pharmacie-pilule.com ayant pignon sur rue en France. Le gérant de l’officine qui souhaite créer un site d’e-commerce doit en demander l’autorisation au directeur de l’Agence régionale de santé (ARS) compétente.
The Dark Knight
Justice League

Business plan for LevelUP
Executive summary:
LevelUP is a two-sided business venture that serves two customer segments; companies with a business problem and students who lack experience. The specific business idea is to create a platform that solves the problem of students not having the required amount of experience when applying for a job. LevelUP works as an intermediary between the two customer segments with on the one side; the companies having a problem related to their business, that they want to get solved by the students. The students can then submit solutions and will be credited with practical experience that they can write on their summary, or maybe a job position at the company.
Most of the revenue comes from the money-side of the business model with the companies looking for solutions to their problems. They pay a usage fee to put up a ‘problem’ to be solved. If the company does not receive at least three submissions to their problem within 7 days they will get a 90% refund. In order to attract the money-side further, the first upload of a problem is free of charge. If a problem gets more than 10 solutions from the students, an additional fee has to be paid in order to see these solutions.
The biggest threat to this business venture is well-established consulting firms that have a pool of consultants to draw knowledge from. The largest advantage that LevelUP has to compete against these firms is the price of getting solutions to the money-side’s problems. It is very costly to hire a consulting firm compared to what a service like LevelUP is offering with the use of crowd sourcing.
When creating an internationalization strategy, the physical distance can be a decisive factor if the company wants to hire the student in a position at their firm. A good initial strategy would therefore be to expand firstly to the Scandinavian countries, where the languages are similar as well as the culture. The next step would be to use physical distance as a metric to choose countries such as Great Britain, Germany and the Benelux countries where the language may be different, but the culture similar to Denmark.
To radio stationer

Star Wars – The Force Awakens Trailer
Denne trailer er sammenklippet af tre trailere som er blevet lagt ud på nettet. Storyline er at der er sket noget ‘in the force’, og man derefter ser hvordan ondskaben og Imperiet er vendt tilbage – men så kommer det gode og redder dagen!

“How the debate on Net Neutrality is poisoning the law”
“The principle of net neutrality is that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should treat all Internet traffic the same way (Dolasia, 2015). This principle worked as a charm for years without regulations. Problems aroused with the introduction of services such as Netflix, YouTube and Skype that requires more bandwidth than before, illustrated by the Netflix vs. Comcast case. This type of service is referred to as over-the-top content (OTT) which is delivery of primarily video and audio over the Internet (ibid).
The ISPs have spent billions of Euros on infrastructure by laying cables in the ground which they of course want a return on investment off (Dolasia, 2015). Therefore the ISPs want to create “fast lanes” with prioritized traffic for the OTTs with a monthly fee for having their content load faster than others. Some ISPs justifies the fee by saying that the additional costs in relation to content streaming should be paid by the specific OTT rather than all the ISPs subscribers (ibid).”
Læs resten af opgaven her
The Wolf of Wall Street
Dette er en trailer lavet over filmen The Wolf of Wall Street
California Brochure

Usability rapport
Business executive summary:
Analysen af snoozeerbooking.dk, herefter benævnt Snoozeer, som er omdrejningspunktet for at sælge produktet, blev udført for at belyse, om der er klarhed om hvad hjemmesiden sælger. Da hjemmesiden skal sælge en kalenderapplikation, som er forretningsgrundlaget for Snoozeer, er det af største vigtighed at det fremstår klart og tydeligt, hvad det er der bliver solgt. Der er konstateret problemer med, at budskabet ikke kommunikeres tydeligt nok. Der er også testet på tilgængelighed til hjemmesiden for bl.a. skærmlæsere, med den overbevisning at alle skal have adgang til hjemmesiden. Der er fundet problemer med alttekster samt overtrædelse af section 508 standarden. Derudover blev der testet for usability og user experience på selve kalenderapplikationen. Her blev der fundet problemer med navigationen og brugen af kalenderen som gjorde det svært for brugerne at lære hvordan kalenderen skulle anvendes. I kalenderapplikationen blev der konstateret problemer med anvendelsen når kalenderen bliver brugt på mobile enheder og tablets. Alle tests der er lavet i denne rapport skal give en indsigt i hvilke problemer der er fundet. Testene er pilottests og således kun brugbare til at afdække de mest åbenlyse problemer. Det anbefales at der laves mere dybdegående og grundige tests for at sikre at hjemmesiden og kalenderapplikationen optimerer deres usability og user experience. Der er derfor lavet en liste med anbefalede test, en tidsplan og et detaljeret budget på 100.000 kr til det videre arbejde med Snoozeer.

Hutlihut – Cultural heritage from television to football pitch
The paper introduces the reader to a co-design project that intermediary Danish cultural heritage to a target group. In collaboration with the selected target group this paper will introduce the reader to co-design methods conducted during our design process to fulfill the target of this project; inspire teenage footballers by introducing them to cultural heritage. To introduce the target group to the case we did a controlled observation with film-viewing of a documentary. Afterwards we conducted a focus group interview with photo elicitation consisting of highlights from the shown footage to make the target group consider and select points of interest. To gain an understanding of the future use of our project idea we made the target group set the stage and enact scenarios during a drama and theater session, which was inspired by the photo elicitation material and our findings of insights from the focus group interview. The goal of our case is to introduce cultural heritage to Danish teenage football players and inspire them to adopt it to their football activities.